Friday, September 5, 2014

Uninvited Hatred

We all have them. Psychopathic thoughts are not peculiar, but they’re not everyday. Cruel, perverted, or grotesque thoughts sometimes find a way to pop up during the randomest times. Sadly, I’m normal; therefore, I’m not immune to psychopathic thoughts.  Today someone upset me and I tried to shrug it off, but then an innocent stranger said the wrong thing.  I ended up in a very angry mood. I wanted to punch the guy. I wanted to yell. I held in the violence, yet wore my frustration on my face. The unnecessary and uncalled for wrath toward the man turned into self-loathing.  I am so disappointed in myself for letting the petty anger grow into something regretful. Although I didn’t say or do anything harmful, I wore the anger on my face. I need to be a better person and it’s so hard to do so when these cruel things pop up in my head. I don’t have much a conclusion for this post, but just pray for me. Just some songs I listened to while writing this

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