HBO’s True Detective is a dark, crime drama
that been called “twisted” and “disturbing.” While this show thrives with being
those things, it lacks at being entertaining. The
storyline(s) were too complex with too many subplots and too many characters to keep up
with. It all felt like a drag. Although True Detective was a bore, I credit it
for bringing Matthew McConaughey out of the “prince charming” typecast. They showed us that he can be far more than a
southern gentleman or a cheesy rom com actor. The last time he was in something
serious was in A Time to Kill and
that was in the ‘90s. He really re-enforced himself as an actor and now
Hollywood is taking him seriously. Overall, I give True Detective 2.5 out of 5 stars. I guess I’m not the target audience
for it, but it wasn't as intense as Breaking
Bad or Fargo.
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